Tuesday, September 19, 2006
I was unable to find the documentation or a code sample that described how to configure the connectionString node in the dataConfiguration.config for the Data Access Application Block 2.0 (DAAB). I searched the web and Google groups and each example shown used Integrated Security. So, I had to take a look at the DAAB source code to figure out which parameters I needed to configure.
In Data Access Application Block 2.0 To specify the connection strings for both integrated security and SQL security, you configure the dataConfiguration.config file:
This will configure the DAAB to use SQL Security:
This will configure the DAAB to use Integrated Security:
In Data Access Application Block 2.0 To specify the connection strings for both integrated security and SQL security, you configure the dataConfiguration.config file:
This will configure the DAAB to use SQL Security:
<connectionString name="SQLSecConnStr">
<parameter name="database" value="Database" isSensitive="false" />
<parameter name="uid" value="Test" isSensitive="true" />
<parameter name="pwd" value="Test" isSensitive="true" />
<parameter name="server" value="WWW.XX.YY.ZZ\SQLInstance" isSensitive="false" />
This will configure the DAAB to use Integrated Security:
<connectionString name="IntSecConnStr">
<parameter name="database" value="Database" isSensitive="false" />
<parameter name="Integrated Security" value="true" />
<parameter name="server" value="WWW.XX.YY.ZZ\SQLInstance" isSensitive="false" />